This week's Post It Notes Tuesday is brought to us by the Philippine Educational Theater and Slenda ! Last Saturday is the final week ...

Here are the latest giveaways and more around the blogosphere! And I can't wait to participate in all of them! These wonderful prices ...

Weeee! Yehey! We were not late! And I'm sooo grateful we weren't. Thank God for Manila Day! The traffic is not that heavy.. Alt...

Again, we're late! Haaay.. I sure hope we'll do better tomorrow. I want to put a blame on the cab driver, but we really were not ...

The 2010 Virgin Labfest is one of the theater events of the year that I look forward to seeing, because I was unable to really follow or j...

Okay, I wasn't really able to blog as much as I wanted to last week . I guess because a week is too short for the things I want to post...

This post is looong overdue! Thanks to Mrs. Roldan of Hits and Mrs. for giving me these awards! She sooo deserve these awards too! I...

one saturday morning, after work, we decided to eat out and have breakfast. for the longest time, i have been wanting to try Lutong Macau....

Enjoyed a different taste of dance during the second part of PETA's East West Danse: Pinoy French Contemporary Dance Week! The name ...

I am about to back out from participating in this week's topic in Team Carnival. It's not that I don't have anything to share, ...

Here's my PINT entry for this week. These are the things I hope to blog about in the near future.

Simon & Schuster UK's giving everyone a chance to get their upcoming books as soon as when they get published! Here's the rundo...

I was sooo busy last month that I did not have time to go to the parlor and I wanted badly to get my nails painted. So, I gave it a shot on...

I am a big fan of Shrek! Although, I must admit that I did not like the third installment. Thus, I hesitated to watch this last one. I h...

Here's a rundown of those that made Bellyfest 2010 a success! Well, at least those whom I was able to take note of. Philippine Educat...

I am a boob tube addict.. Okay, not really as addicted as staying in front of the television 24-hours a day.. but I love watching the telly!...

Here are the current make up give aways going on here on the blogosphere.. if you are really not into make up, scroll down for a "lusci...

Here's my entry for this week's PINT! That's all for today! Happy Tuesday everyone! To join "Post It Note Tue...

Bring out your hip scarves and shimmy your way to the PETA Center for the first part of PETA's East West Danse: Bellyfest 2010! A...

Bring out your hip scarves and shimmy your way to the PETA Center for the first part of PETA's East West Danse: Bellyfest 2010! As...

Bring out your hip scarves and shimmy your way to the PETA Center for the first part of PETA's East West Danse: Bellyfest 2010! As ...

Grab my badge.. If you want your badge to show on this page, enter your link here ! Here are your badges!

I now have a badge! Weee! <a border="0" href="" target="_blank">...

I'm not really a make-up junkie. Okay, so maybe I am now. But I'm really not good at it. I don't know what to buy and there a...

The summer season in the Philippines can already be declared to be over (some including me, would like to disagree). The days of May 2010 ...

Last week, a friend of mine commented on my status post saying "spoiler-much". My post was a simple congratulation greeting to Le...

Genre: Pop Americana Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing Publishing Date: 2001 I got this book because of the Buy 1 Take 1 promo of a dep...

I'm back! It has been a long time since my last PINT post. And I miss it sooo much! I'm so glad it's Tuesday. Here are my po...
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- Post It Notes Tuesday: Sayaw Sabel
- Makeup Giveaways and More! [0628]
- Virgin Labfest 6: Set C Pecado Mortal
- Virgin Labfest 6: Set B Pas de Deux
- Virgin Labfest 6: Set A Pariah Paraiso
- Post It Note Tuesday: Art-Filled Jagged Barn
- I'm Beautiful and Sunshiney!
- I Heart Lutong Macau
- Pinoy-French Contemporary Dance Week
- Team Carnival: Lessons from My Father
- Post It Note Tuesday: Up Next (or so I hope)
- Simon & Schuster UK’s Big Fat YA Giveaway – The Fa...
- Nail Polish for May and June
- Shrek 4ever After
- Bellyfest 2010 Directory
- Team Carnival: Favorite TV Program
- Makeup Giveaways and More!
- Post It Note Tuesday: Ramblings!
- Bellyfest 2010 Part 3 of 3: The Grand Evening Show
- Bellyfest 2010 Part 2 of 3: Belly Dancing Workshop...
- Bellyfest 2010 Part 1 of 3: The Arabian Bazaar
- Badge Exchange
- Badge Exchange!
- The J'adore Rougit Influence
- Beaches of Summer 2010
- Spoiler-much
- A Jagged Book Review: We're So Famous by Jaime Clarke
- Post It Note Tuesday: MT2 2010 Dramafest and Danse...
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