versions: male version of poker face

i can no longer remember when was the last time i hated a song so much.  it's not lady gaga's poker face.  i actually like and sort of got addicted to her song.. her songs actually.. not to mention her fashion sense.

what really ticked me off or irritated me to the core is this version of poker face that i first heard on the bus on my way home.  it sucks.  it's a pathetic excuse for a  male acoustic version of the song.  well, at least this is what i think.  every time i hear it, i would want to cover my ears and scream!  although, i never had the guts to ask the driver to turn the dial of his radio.

unfortunately, most of the radio stations here in the Philippines don't usually say the title of the song and the artist before or after the song.  thus, at first i wasn't able to know who the culprit is.  the only lead i have is "poker face" and "male version", but nothing came up.  then, another abomination was born.  he was somehow permitted to have another absurd acoustic male version of a good song: jai ho!  grrrr!

but that was the key for me to find him.  so, here.  don't say i didn't warn you, but it's horrible.. for me.  but you'd have to hear it for yourself to either prove me wrong or join the protest with me.

waaah! okay, for those who were unable to finish the whole song, for me, the worst part is the bridge!  or this part:

I won’t tell you that I love you
Kiss or hug you
Cause I’m bluffin’ with my muffin
I’m not lying I’m just stunnin’ with my love-glue-gunning
Just like a chick in the casino
Take your bank before I pay you out
I promise this, promise this
Check this hand cause I’m marvelous

sorry, davey langit, but i just don't like it and this version of yours irritates me to the core..  hopefully, time will come and they will stop playing this song on the philippine airwaves.  and the jai ho too.. i'm sorry if i didn't listen to his other songs to give him a chance to redeem himself.  it would just screw up my review.  i learned that he was part of ABSCBN's pinoy dream academy (a reality show looking for the next musical artist).  no wonder now why he didn't win.

but there is justice.. there is hope.. and our savior is no less than another reality show star that should have won: chris daughtry.

ladies and gentlemen, this is how you do an acoustic male version of poker face.. this is how you do music.

bravo! bravo! how i wish this is what we hear on the radio instead.  don't you?

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Laarni Lopez

Your oblivious but observing blogger.

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  1. i TOTALLY agree with you on this. chris daughtry's version rocks! that other version's so lame it makes me wanna puke.

  2. correct! it's nice to know that i'm not completely wrong on this one.. ;)

  3. hi tsytema! thanks for dropping by.. good for dave langit..
