A Jagged Book Review: Para Kay B by Ricky Lee

Title: Para Kay B (o kung paano dinevastate ng pag-ibig ang 4 out of 5 sa atin)
Author: Ricky Lee
Genre: Romance

Publisher: Writers Studio Philippines, Inc
Publishing Date: 2008
Paperback: 250 pages
Stand alone or series: Stand alone

Why did I read the book:  I first heard about this book from kiki.  she brought it during our trip to iloilo last year.  and the subtitle, is sooo intriguing.  well, Ricky Lee being the writer is enough reason for me to read this book.  all the more, the comments from other known personalities, which i looove are superb.  thus, i need to read this one!

How did I get the book: Bought this book from the 2009 Philippine Book Fair in SM Mall of Asia.  Got it for Php 250 only.. Ü


This is a novel within a novel.  There is a theory that four out of five people are heart broken or devastated by love or are not really with the person they love.  So, to prove this, the writer wrote five love stories.  Three of them are already heart broken or could not be with the love of their lives.  Now, there are two stories that are yet to be concluded, but only one could end up with happily ever after.  And on the last chapter, it would be revealed that one of the unconcluded love stories is the writer's own love story and what would be the ending of the two love stories in the novel and what really happened in the writer's life.

Review:  This novel is not for those who have poor imagination.  Ricky Lee's writing is still very much for the movies, which is fine with me.  This novel is very graphic and it gives you a feel of how much of a fiction it is but also gives you the sensation that it is real.  Or at least it could be real.

Para Kay B is written in the Filipino language.  And being poor in writing in Filipino myself, I have strong admiration for people who can play with the words in the language in their fingertips.  And I think Ricky Lee is nothing but a genius.

I may not be able to finish this novel in one sitting because of work and schedule, but i sure could have.  It was very much hard for me to put this down.  It is sooo much better than any other telenovela that we have on air.  And cheezy or tacky love story formats are left behind, but you won't be able to resist the feeling of being in love.

And yes, I cried..

Notable Quotes/ Parts:  Among the love stories, my favorite is Erica's, which is nowhere near reality, but is still fascinating. I kept on laughing during the last part of the last love story; the part wherein readers would need to vote as to who would get their happy ending.  Ü

Additional Thoughts:  The last part of the book contains a few words from Ricky Lee and how much he loves writing.  Which I can sooo relate to!  Or at least that's how I feel when I'm blogging..  There is also an excerpt from his next novel Aswang, which I can't wait to be available in the book stores!

Verdict: Ricky Lee is indeed one of the Philippines' finest!

Rating: 9 leaning towards 10.

Reading Next: Meg Cabot's All-American Girl

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Laarni Lopez

Your oblivious but observing blogger.

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  1. i saw this book last december.

    i was holding it for a couple of minutes but ended up leaving it. now, i am sold. i want to get a copy of this too.

  2. sabi sayo mahusay tong librong to eh :D at naalala ko ang nagregalo pala sakin ng librong para kay b ay di basta-bastang tao... si ate Isab lang naman saka si Sir Santi Obcena :D

  3. i know! :D sosyal! bwahahahahah! ano pa ba ang mga mahuhusay na libro out there? hihihi! may mga libro pa naman ako dito na di pa nababasa, pero karamihan ingles.. ay! may mga recommended books pala si tin na gawang pinoy! Ü

  4. it's my 1st time in your blog. Been here from GT. magagaling talaga ang mga pinoy writers...ako naman i love the humor and reality of bob ong's books

  5. hi cielo! thanks for dropping by.. i love bob ong's creations too.. i already finished reading "Kapitan Sino" when i decided to try writing book reviews such as this. i have yet to read a couple of his books to complete his creations.
