I have visited the site and it has a very friendly lay out. You can easily navigate your way through the site and get the help that you need in a few clicks. And even if it is already user-friendly, they still bothered to have a page dedicated for newbies on the site. By clicking on How RepairPal.com works, you would have an overview of what the site has to offer.
They do estimates for your repairs. If it’s your first time to have your car repaired, and it is obvious to those who are going to do it, they may take advantage of your assumed ignorance. RepairPal.com can have an estimate for you. They can also send that estimate to your Inbox in a printer friendly format.
They have a directory. Just enter your city or zip code and RepairPal.com would be able to find the nearest and the available shops for your car. For those from California, just type in "Los Angeles auto repair", and you would have a list of shops in the city and nearby areas as well. If you also have a shop in mind already you can use the Shop Directory page in finding the one near you.
And more! Aside from these already helpful features, you can also create a customized page for your car; you can get updates and added information specific to your model and year, like Honda Civic; they have an online community where you can share and ask specific inquiries to other car owners; and an online encyclopedia of the parts and systems in your vehicle. Ever wonder what a head gasket is? Plus, more tips and guidelines on how you would be able to take care of your car better.
So, check out RepairPal.com for your car inquiries and needs! You might end up knowing more about cars than your man! And this would be our little secret.. Ü

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