Blogger Now Has an App for iTouch and iPhone for Free

I have been waiting for sooo long for this and I can't believe it's here already!

I'll be able to blog anytime, anywhere! I have tried other apps but they're too hard to work with. I want a simple tool and of course supported by Blogger, and it's now here!

I even signed up for new blog hosts, but really didn't have what I have loved in Blogger.

I know, it has been almost 10 months since my last post, and I have a lot of excuses, but never thought any of them valid. And one of these is being hooked up with my iTouch more than my laptop. And without an app for Blogger it's really very hard to drag myself to open my laptop and blog. Photo transfers were also a toll, so, with this app, it would be a breeze!

I simply can't wait to start! I have just downloaded the app a couple of minutes before I started to write this entry. And I'm already listing in my head the endless list of things to blog about to make-up for my almost 10-month long hiatus.

So, watch out for more entries from me as I blog about the things that I've been occupied with in my long absence. The Jagged Barn is back! Let me know what you've missed and for iPhone and/or iTouch users how are you enjoying the app so far?!? I'm simply loving it right now!

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Laarni Lopez

Your oblivious but observing blogger.

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